Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What's up - Earth Day:)

Okay, so this may need more imagination than most.... it is the world - for Earth Day. Hence the animals around the base. So, we are looking at Africa in the first photo on the left and India on the right. You can see a Broccoli that is Australia down on the very right. The carrots are mountains, the purple cabbage is the ocean.... do you know how many foods are actually blue - 1. Blueberries. And I did not have time to stick them all on individually.
To make this I took a styrofoam ball ($19.99 at Micheals but can get them 1/2 off with coupon) and a ceramic terra cotta plant container to be the podium. Be careful - this baby gets heavy and rolls. You have to wedge it with something - I used wooden skewers on the base - many of them that then went into the planter.
I then just printed a photo of the Earth with the topography. I made mountains, hills, colors, etc. The kids really liked it. They have great imaginations and could see what it was right away. I was not so sure about it. I served low fat ranch and a non-dairy dip for veggies at the base with a spoon. At the kids school they tell them how much they can take.
The only item I would do over is the string cheese on top for the poles.... not sure that was a good plan - I would have just done the cauliflour instead. My son begged for the cheesey goodness so I caved but I was worried about the quality for the day and some kids cannot have dairy anywhere near their food.
Ta-Da - Earth day.

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