Saturday, July 31, 2010

Fruit Cake

As many know, my kids schools do not allow sugary snacks so when birthdays come around we are challenged to do something cool but healthy. So, in Family magazine I saw this - a real Fruit cake. The kids love this and there is always enough due to the use of a watermelon as the main cake. You can see below how cool it looks from the top.

It is really simple - cut the watermelon into quarters and stack in the order they were in to reassemble the watermelon, sans the base and top. Then just buy some interesting fruit. This one got lucky and daddy found a "snake fruit" which is white with black dots inside - the kids from SE Asia reconized it right away. The others tried it and loved it. This is great for food exploration, which we need more of for our kids. Star fruit, blueberries and strawberries topped it off. It is also non-dairy and non-wheat so everyone in the class could enjoy this one.

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