Wednesday, September 29, 2010


So, some kids want a cake for their birthday but mine wanted a bean dip Phoenix. To make this I first heated some vegetarian bean dip so it is spreadable. I then created the body and head (while looking at the picture next to it). I added an olive eye. Then I put cheese on the plate so it looked more like the picture - glowing with fire. I then had gotten a large bag of red, orange and yellow peppers (sweet small ones) from Costco and cut them into small strips. I arranged them to be wings, a long fiery-tail and some on the head. I also cut some into a beak for the head. I brought a bag of chips to class.

There were about 3 kids who only wanted chips, everyone else loved the peppers (which I was worried they would not) and the bean dip and cheese, which they always love. I also added a bowl of bean dip, black beans, and cheese to make sure we had enough. We used up everything for a class of 22. I should have had 2 bags of chips and a little bigger bird but all in all, it was a good snack.

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